Apple used data from iOS app to resolve 196 environmental supplier violations in China - Technopweb


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Apple used data from iOS app to resolve 196 environmental supplier violations in China

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Apple had relied on identifying and solving at least 196 cases on an iOS app created by a Chinese worker in which suppliers had violated the country's environmental regulations, in some cases, to remove them from the supply chain of the company. Was motivated for.

The blue map is called, the app is the brainchild of June, which is the founder of the Institute's public institute; Environmental matters (IPE)

Supported by the Alibaba Group, Ma's initiative draws information from government websites, which collects sensor readings by monitoring the equipment deployed in approximately 13,000 of the country's worst water pollutant, Bloomberg told. As a result, the metric is collected in Blue Maps, which is free to use and use, just like its backend database.

The app integrates air quality and emission data from monitoring stations around the world, including 2,000 people in China

According to the report, the nonprofit project of Maa has identified companies which pump excessive waste or cheating pollution report in nearby rivers from tampering with surveillance equipment. The IPE website claims that so far more than 830,000 such cases have been boiled in its database. The evidence obtained from this initiative has been used to deny credit ratings for the issuance of bonds, block bank loans and, in the case of Apple, to discourage attractive business partnership.

There is currently a large number of pollution problem in China, which is due to dense mist in rural areas, from contaminated water to urban environments. The government's efforts have been reduced to deal with this issue, which has led to concerns which reach the political ladder.

Ma said that the fear of being exiled from the ghost's supply chain is for some firms, which is more effective than government restrictions.

Ma said, "Sometimes local government agencies find it hard to implement or fix these factories because they are huge sources of income tax." "When these companies face the threat of being removed from Apple's supplier list, then it is very effective." Economic interest matters. "

Paula Pearce, senior director of Apple's responsibility for the supplier's responsibility, appreciates IPE's catalyst factor to achieve greater transparency on environmental issues.

"Protecting the environment and addressing the effects in our supply chain is one of Apple's biggest priorities," Pearce said.

Apart from accessing the database of IPE, Blue Map includes a "micro-reporting" module which allows users to upload photos of polluted water sources and file complaints with government agencies. Users can use the app to follow complaints, rate the environmental performance of brands and products, share photos of mist and other pollution, and more.

Apple has pushed suppliers to follow stringent environmental standards over the years, due to the rules related to carbon emissions for illegal content dumping policies. The responsibility of the recent supplier of the company released in March, 200,000 metric tons of waste notes was replaced with landfill in 2016, whereas all the final assembly sites in China had secured 100 percent UL zero wastes for landfill verification for the first time. .

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