Indian-origin professor, researchers gets $6 lakh grant to develop lupus cure. - Technopweb


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 Indian-origin professor, researchers gets $6 lakh grant to develop lupus cure.

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An Indian-origin professor and two colleagues at the University of Houston have received a grant of $ 600,000 to develop a new treatment for Lupus.
The target has been identified by Lupus Research Alliance Professor Chandra Mohan of the university's Bio-Medical Engineering Department, and his research team members Hugh Roy and Lily Cranz have also been given the goal.
Lupus is a complex autoimmune disease that is difficult to diagnose, treat and lose. Only one treatment has been approved in about 60 years.
"Lupus nephritis (kidney disease) is one of the most serious complications of Lupus. The health organization said that with TIL grant assistance, the PhD of the University of Houston, PhD Chandra Mohan, to evaluate a new therapeutic target for Lupas nephritis Will build on your current searches. "
Only seven Lupus researchers were asked to complete these tasks throughout the country and the grant would address the fundamental questions in Lupus Research, remove obstacles in new treatments and possibly treat the treatment for Lupus and its complications. .
Mohan told PTI, "Lupus is quite common in America in African-American and Hispanics, and is also common in Asia."
"Our data tells us that measuring the level of a molecule called Urk (active leukocyte cell adhesion molecule) in urine can be useful in monitoring the progress of this disease."
He said that with grant, his team has offered to investigate whether Lupus can be blocked by using antibody to make ALCAM. "If it is successful in animal models, then the next step will be to see if it can be a good cure target in Lupus patients".
The researcher will examine Elkom, which is present in many kidney diseases and patients with Lupus kidney disease.
"Lupus patients may have extended elk in both their immune system and their kidneys, and it probably plays a major role due to activation of the immune system and kidney disease in one type of tree patients," said Mohan.
While healthy people need ACLAM to activate their T cells to fight against foreign pathogens in the body, in patients with autoimmune disease, active T cells fight with their patient's tissues instead of just foreign bodies.
To monitor Mohan LKAM, Lupus patients will continue to confirm their presence in the kidneys against urine only, while also checking whether alcohol is actually running this disease.
His research will include the treatment of Lupus by examining the anticoeds which block Elkam.
If the antibody blocks the loop, then it can move on transgenic studies and clinical trials, Mohan said, for the treatment of possible new drugs for the disease.
"We started this study in search of a biomarker and we think that Elk is a good biomarker, which means that we can track the disease by looking at the level of alkam in urine. But now we think Alkam is a Therapeutic goal can also be, "said Mohan.

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