Bulletproof backpack sales increase in wake of latest school shooting. - Technopweb


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Bulletproof backpack sales increase in wake of latest school shooting.

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Bullet Blocker is a Massachusetts-based company that sells a fortified bag to A640 dollars.
According to TMZ, since Wednesday's massacre in Parkland, South Florida, they have seen a 30 percent increase in sales.
The company sold only 500 backpacks on Thursday, the owner Joe Kuren told the news outlet, which states that the majority were heading towards Florida.
Backpacks, which weigh only two kilograms, stand with Kevlar, which is a fiber used in the bulletproof habit used by law enforcement.
Bullet Blocker described Kurnon as "the father of a real-life on his website, who wanted to do everything to protect the children of two school-age groups after being witness to the terror of Virginia Tech massacre. "
The former US Army Ranger, Sheriff's deputy and firearms instructor invented "My Child's Pack", in which the information of the first bulletproof backpack designed for students was given.
One of the backpacks listed on the site is a $ 417 bulletblocker, NIJ IIIA, which is available in three colors and has a ballistic ballistic panel that weighs more than 500 grams.
Bullet blocker says that it is capable of .357 and .44 magnum rounds, 9mm pills and .45-caliber hollow-point gunpowder plus more.

The company also finishes deep-pocketed adult customers with a range of items, including a $ 4000 Gucci diaper bag, an AA $ 4040 terraced jacket, $ 6,600 herbus bag and $ 7,500 Armani suit.
In the meantime, another company's bulletproof backpack was placed in a Florida shooting range for testing, with a 40-caliber handgun, 9mm pistol and 12 gauge shotgun.
According to WFTV, the armor has stopped elephant rounds and firearm pellets as it penetrates completely backpacks made by Guard Dog Security.
But with additional textbooks, backpacks were unable to stop a full metal jacket bullet filled with AR-15, the weapon of attack used in this week's bloodshed
Yasser Sheikh, president of Guard Dog Security, said his company was not running on the fear of parents.
"It's no longer as a foreigner," Sheikh told WFTV
"A few years ago, people were forgetting on the bulletproof backpack, but people have accepted this idea."

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