Virtual to become reality in soccer. - Technopweb


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Virtual to become reality in soccer.

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Part of VR Genius ID; The Elite Development Football Platform is seen in the offices of MI HEPA in Manchester on November 17th.
8:12 pm, Dec 2, 2017
ReutersMustster- Cutting and Virtual Reality Technology allows football clubs to return players that match the conditions and "match fast," is tested by top English and European clubs to be injured.
The technology developed by Mepa, a Manchester based company, is currently being operated by four Premier League clubs, and Italy and Germany are also testing on team platforms.
For contractual and confidential reasons, clubs can not be identified but they include Premier League and some of the biggest in Europe.
"We believe that it is a revolutionary product that will help the players to come back before injury, help the players to be more cognitive conscious, help in making better decisions in the field and pressure during the game. Ready for them, "said Andy Aches
The system allows a club to input its current match data to recreate game conditions, which a player can "re-enter" again, when it is placed on the headset, its boot and shin With two small, lightweight devices connected to the pad.
The platform also includes several series that allow players to practice their skills, such as passing, and developing their responses and ability to make decisions.
It can be especially valuable for the injured players, who will be able to accelerate themselves to match speed without the risk of physical contact.
"We can do no effect, no weight, a series of rehabilitation movements, where you are the players who walk through normal muscle memory reconstruction, we make sure to set fire to all the nerve paths between the brain and the legs. That the player is staying fast during the recovery period.
"This is the reaction time which is usually lost and we should be able to limit it through daily contact. We have been told that loss of reaction time during recovery can be 60 percent and we believe that We can finish it or return the players to match conditions. "
Elite was designed for the use of clubs, while the platform developed by the team led by IA Hpa's development director Adam Dickinson, who had previously worked for EA, the company behind the popular FIFA video game, Can be extended for.
Mike Phelan, a former assistant and former club player of Manchester United, used the stage and is through the company Burnley based sensable soccer, in which he is the president, for whom the distribution deals product
"It's definitely unique and different," Phelan told Reuters, "I think most of the coaches will benefit from using the system, small benefits."
Playing said that one element that the coach finds useful, is able to see the circumstances from the player's perspective.
"It is interesting to be able to be a player, as coach, we talk to the players and show them, but at the same time the coach can actually be involved in the scenarios that the players encounter," he said.
Also in the "Play Again" circumstances, the platform allows for the preparation of possible scenarios before a game.
They said, "You can program a platform to show a game, a fixed position or a certain player and then win it," he said.
While contemporary football manager is now well-used to deal with sports science, analytics, and other technological advances, Phelan believes that VR can be established as a part of the mix in clubs.
"You can use it at the academy level, use it with injuries, use it with senior elite soccer players," he said.
"There are advantages made in football, individually or collectively. We know the market today in football: Everyone wants to separate a little bit, to do something different and to develop something with this system, to create something and finally get awards To do. "

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