Android 8 oreo realeased with new features - Technopweb


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Android 8 oreo realeased with new features

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While the Moon was ecliping, Google announced launching of its new mobile operating system, called Android 8.0 Oreo, at an Eclipse-themed launch event in New York City.

Yes, the next version of the Sugar Snack-themed Android and the successor of Android Noagat will now be known as Android Oreo, which the company has come out on Monday.

Google has retained the tradition of giving the name of the Android operating system, according to the names of the succulent pleasures ordered by alphabetical alphabetical starting with Android Cupcake, and after that Donut, Eclair, Fryo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean , Kitcat, Lollipop, Marshmoulow, and Nouga.
The good news is that the Android team has brought many important features in its smartphone and tablet to the release of Android Oreo to make its mobile platform safer, faster, efficient and providing better multitasking.

The new update mobile operating system, available for Developers Beta in the last few months, will reach your Android device by the end of this year.

Even what I like in the Android Oreo so far is the list of features:

1. Any other 'Unknown sources' setting (install other apps)

Not all apps installed from third-party sources are malicious, but most applications installed from outside the official Play Store can put you in trouble

Prior to Android Oreo, users need to enable only one setting by turning on "Install from Unknown Sources" to install third party apps - it does not matter if the user has downloaded the APK file I.e. downloaded from the browser, Bluetooth, using a computer or another app via USB transferred

Android 8.0 Oreo has completely changed the way this feature has been introduced, in order to bring a very smart and secure system called "Install an Unknown App", in which the user manually installed third-party app from different sources Is allowed.

2. AutoFill API Framework

It has already been advised that they use complex and different passwords for online accounts and change them often, but it makes it difficult for users to remember them at the same time.

To follow the best password policy to keep your account secure, most users rely on Notepad / Excel files to save their password unsafe, while some use password managers.

Some password manager apps for android allow their users to save information saved in other apps, for which they need access to the device's access and features.

However, with Android Oreo, password managers will no longer need Android accessibility to fill the form.

Android 8.0 Oreo brings a built-in Safe Autofill API that allows the password manager chosen by users to work in various types of sensitive data, such as passwords, credit card numbers, phone numbers, and addresses - throughout the system.

3. Picture-in-Picture (Multitasking)

When you want to watch a video on YouTube while chatting on whatsapp, how often has it happened to you?

It happens several times with me, and I'm really annoyed that if I'm watching a video, then I can only see that video and not do anything else on the other side, but it's in Android 8.0 Oreo Will not be a problem

With Android Oreo, you can watch a YouTube video while reading through a report in Word or chatting on your Android device on WhatsAppSpace - thanks to the picture-in-picture (PIP) feature.

PIP is one of the biggest features in the latest version of Android, if you open the app and start playing the video, then press the Home button, so that the video will be reduced to the bottom-right corner of your screen, while the rest of the app will disappear.

Now you can open an app and do other activities, while the video is continuing in the background. You can also transfer videos with the limit of your screen, such as the Facebook Messenger icon, and the video on the tapping video will increase to full-view.

4. Protect Google Play

Android Oreo has been developed to keep 'security', Google has been cracking on the fastest growing problem of Android malware with a new anti-malware device named Google Play Protect.

On Google, Dave Burke, Vice President of Engineering said, "Play Protect is built on every device with Google Play, is always updating, and automatically takes action to keep its data and device safe," Dave Burke said.
Protect help in detecting and removing harmful applications with more than 50 billion apps scanned each day.

5. Wi-Fi Awareware (Neighborhood Disruptive Networking - NAN)
Android Oreo has added support for a new connectivity feature called Wi-Fi awareware, also called neighborhood aware networking (NAN), which can be accessed by any Internet Access Point

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